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BIO731  Midterm Current Paper 9 Dec 2017

BIO731 Midterm Current Paper 9 Dec 2017

BIO731  Midterm Current Paper 9 Dec 2017

1-Termination Model of RNA in bacteria

2-types of two terminators in transcription in bacteria

3-Nuceoid (2)

4-Fuctions of topoisomerases ?y they are required?

5-what are histone?types? Write their characteristics??


1- DNA was discovered in 1953 by........???

2-/...........bases of RNA are at attached with new synthesized DNA.?(All,Half ,etc?

3-dimers produced from........? UV 

4- E.Coli has .....sites?1,2,3,4

5-DNA polymerase has domains......? 3,4,5,6

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