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BIO101 Midterm Current Paper 10 Dec 2017

BIO101 Midterm Current Paper 10 Dec 2017

BIO101 Midterm Current Paper 10 Dec 2017


1) Nitrogen% in atmosphere 

2) fjords found in

3) Normal body tem of birds is 105f 

4) Photosynthesis in mcqs

5) foundation specei

6) definition of 

7) chemoautotrophs definition

8) trophic means Food

9) topmost horizon O horizone

10) environment force that influence the terrestrial plants ....wind
Baqi skipped in mind

Subjective questions. ....
1) Food pyramid (2)

2) Survivoship curves(5)

3) Biological cervises of marine water Organism(5)

4) Zooplankton, ultraplankton(3)

5) properties of an organism that can be difined by a niche (2)

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