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BIF501 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017

BIF501 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017

BIF501 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017
BIF501 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017

BIF 501

1: Write a short notw on Bankit?

2: Differentiate between local and global alignment?

3: Main classes of biological data?

4: Give four kinds of records of Gene Expression of omnibus?

5: Enlist the edit operations?

6: Define the following terms;

Another Paper

Bif 501
1. Write a note on uniprot? 2 mrks

2. write a note on proteome and its advantages? 5 mrks

3. Annotations of transponsable element? 3 mrks

4. Wardenburg ,s syndrome? 5 mrks

5. Edit graph? 3 mrks

6. Proteome sa related ak ur q th tk yad nie? 2 mrks

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