PMNLS - Phase III Merit List of PhD & MS/ M.Phil Students
Dear PhD and MS/MPhils Students!
It is informed with immense pleasure that under Prime Minister’s National Laptop Scheme Phase-III, laptops & bags have been allocated to successful students listed below and their assets have been shifted to nearby VU campuses as mentioned against each. Students are advised to wait for an invitation e-mail and/ or telephone call from respective VU Campus for collection of their assets.
Beware that laptops will be awarded to the students without any initial deposit or payment in any form. All laptops distributed via this scheme are absolutely free of cost. Furthermore, these laptops are not transferrable.
Important Note:
Students of BS & Master (equivalent to16-years) Degree Programs are informed that merit lists are being prepared and should be displayed on VULMS within few weeks. Please avoid writing unnecessary e-mails or inquiring over phone calls as it will delay the process. Thank you for patience and cooperation in this regard.