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MGT503 Current FinalTerm Paper 20 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

MGT503 Current FinalTerm Paper 20 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

MGT503 Current FinalTerm Paper 20 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

Bohat mushkal paper tha aj MGT503 ka.

24 multiple choice questions, 6 questions of three marks and 6 questions of five marks.
1. Goal setting theory

2. XYZ is manager who living luxry life. how we will motivate him.? Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation.? Why?

3. Why Organizations analyze there culture.

4. When leadership trait was there then Why we study leadership theory?

5. Written communication

6. competitive advantages

7. Different Time frames of planning

8. Decentralization

9. Bureaucratic Leadership

10. is it necessary to involve employees in goal setting theory.? Why?

11. Describe Delegation.

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