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CS311 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

CS311 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

CS311 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |


70 percent paperr was easy very conceptual paper overall 

Q # 1 Empty text node is problem  full? which type of  problem raised in this case?

Q # 2 write code in xml file to correect empty text nodes?

Q # 3 J-Dom steps? 

Q # 4 steps to connect jdbc with database?

Q # 5 write 2 difference between Rpc and  document style?

Q#6 Steps in JAxb

Q # 7 init method code 

Q # 8 two ways of vieweed in architecture

bs itny yad hen 

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